Comprehensive Guide: How To Become an NLP Engineer [+Skills, Education, Salary, & Career Path]

This all-inclusive guide will provide you with the essential information required to kick-start a thriving career as an NLP (Natural Language Processing) Engineer. We will delve into educational prerequisites, vital skills, employment outlook, salary projections, and how to distinguish yourself in the competitive job market.

Defining NLP Engineer Role

NLP Engineers are responsible for creating and applying machine learning-based linguistic algorithms that allow machines to comprehend and interpret human language. They serve as the link between human communication and computer understanding, working on diverse projects ranging from chatbots and voice assistants to sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and machine translation.

Primary Responsibilities of an NLP Engineer

  • Developing and applying NLP algorithms and models
  • Data curation
  • Pre-processing and refining textual data
  • Extracting and selecting features from textual data
  • Training, evaluating, and testing NLP models
  • Creating NLP applications, such as chatbots, sentiment analysis tools, Named Entity Recognition, Text Summarizers, Text Classifiers, Topic Modeler, Machine Translators, etc.

NLP Engineer Education and Qualifications

To pursue a career as an NLP Engineer, a solid educational foundation in Computer Science, Linguistics, or a related discipline is crucial. While an associate’s degree may be adequate for entry-level roles, a bachelor’s degree or higher is generally necessary for advanced positions.

Suggested Degrees and Certifications

Crucial Skills for NLP Engineers

In addition to a robust educational foundation, NLP Engineers must possess a diverse skill set that will enable them to excel in their profession.

Important Skills for NLP Engineers

  • Proficient programming abilities, particularly in Python, Java, or C++
  • Expertise in NLP libraries and tools, such as NLTK, spaCy, HuggingFace, PyTorch Lightning, and Gensim
  • Familiarity with machine learning algorithms and techniques
  • Proficiency in deep learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch
  • Understanding of Transformer architecture and their applications
  • Ability to train advanced deep learning models on GPU & their optimization
  • Exceptional analytical and problem-solving capabilities
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills

Employment Opportunities and Salary Projections

The demand for NLP Engineers is growing, as an increasing number of organizations recognize the importance of interpreting and processing human language to enhance user experiences and generate business insights.

According to Payscale, the average salary for an NLP Engineer in the United States is $106,000 per year, with the potential for higher earnings based on experience and specialization.

According to, the average salary for an NLP Engineer in India is Rs. 22.1 lakhs per year, which can go up to 50 lakhs based on experience skillset, and specialization

Industries Employing NLP Engineers

  • Technology and software development
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
  • Finance and banking
  • E-commerce and retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Government and defense

Taking the First Step: Creating Your NLP Engineering Portfolio

To stand out in the competitive job market, aspiring NLP Engineers should focus on creating a strong portfolio that demonstrates their skills and expertise in natural language processing.

Tips for Developing Your NLP Engineering Portfolio

  1. Engage in personal projects: Create NLP applications or solve real-time problems by building chatbots, sentiment analysis tools, text summarizers, custom entity recognizers, and showcase them on your personal website or GitHub.
  2. Join hackathons and competitions: Participate in NLP and machine learning competitions to gain experience and exposure. Achieving high ranks or winning these events can enhance your portfolio’s credibility.
  3. Contribute to open-source initiatives: Collaborate with others and contribute to open-source NLP projects on GitHub, demonstrating your ability to work in a team and tackle real-world challenges.
  4. Author blog posts or articles: Share your expertise and knowledge by writing articles on NLP topics, techniques, or case studies on popular websites like Medium, Towards data science, etc, This will not only help you exhibit your understanding but also establish you as a thought leader in the field.
  5. Connect with professionals: Attend industry conferences, workshops, and meetups to network with other NLP professionals and discover job opportunities.

By dedicating time and effort to building a robust NLP Engineering portfolio, you’ll be well-equipped to stand out in the job market and secure a rewarding career in this rapidly expanding field.


In summary, a career as an NLP Engineer offers numerous growth and advancement opportunities across various industries. By obtaining the necessary education, refining your skills, and building a solid portfolio, you can pave your way to a successful and fulfilling career in natural language processing.

FAQs on Building an NLP Engineer Career

1. What is the difference between an NLP Engineer and a Data Scientist?

An NLP Engineer specializes in developing algorithms and models to process and understand human language, while a Data Scientist works with various types of data, including text, images, and structured data, to extract insights and build predictive models. Although both roles may use similar techniques and tools, the primary focus of an NLP Engineer is on natural language processing.

2. Can I become an NLP Engineer without a degree in Computer Science or Linguistics?

Yes, it is possible to become an NLP Engineer without a degree in Computer Science or Linguistics. However, you’ll need to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge through self-study, online courses, and certifications. Gaining practical experience through personal projects, internships, or open-source contributions is also crucial to demonstrate your expertise.

3. What programming languages should I learn to become an NLP Engineer?

Python is the most widely used language for NLP due to its extensive library support and readability. Other languages, such as Java and C++, can also be used in NLP, but learning Python is highly recommended due to its popularity and ease of use in the field.

4. Are there any specific tools or libraries I should learn for a career in NLP?

Yes, there are several NLP-specific libraries and tools that you should become familiar with, including:

  • NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit)
  • spaCy
  • Gensim
  • Stanford CoreNLP
  • Hugging Face Transformers

Additionally, learning deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch can be beneficial for working with advanced NLP models.

5. How can I stay updated on the latest developments in NLP?

To stay current with the latest NLP advancements, consider the following:

  • Follow leading NLP researchers and organizations on social media.
  • Regularly read research papers from conferences such as ACL, EMNLP, and NeurIPS.
  • Participate in online forums and communities, like the Machine Learning subreddit or the NLP section on arXiv.
  • Attend industry conferences, workshops, and webinars.

6. How important is networking for building a career in NLP?

Networking is crucial for any career, including NLP Engineering. Building connections with other professionals in the field can help you stay informed about job opportunities, learn from their experiences, and collaborate on projects. Attend industry events, join online communities, and engage in discussions to expand your network.

7. Can I work remotely as an NLP Engineer?

Yes, many NLP Engineer positions offer remote work options, as the tasks involved can generally be performed online. With the increasing adoption of remote work, more companies are open to hiring NLP Engineers who work from home or other locations. However, remote work opportunities may vary depending on the company and its policies.

8. Is NLP well paid?

Yes, according to Payscale, the average salary for an NLP Engineer in the United States is $106,000 per year, with the potential for higher earnings based on experience and specialization.

9. What does NLP Engineer do?

Some of the primary responsibilities of NLP Engineers are listed below:

  1. Developing and applying NLP algorithms and models
  2. Data curation
  3. Pre-processing and refining textual data
  4. Extracting and selecting features from textual data
  5. Training, evaluating, and testing NLP models
  6. Creating NLP applications, such as chatbots, sentiment analysis tools,
  7. Named Entity Recognition, Text Summarizers, Text Classifiers, Topic Modeler, Machine Translators, etc.

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